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Cats or Dogs Test

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Result chart

Your friend's personality is the closest to that of a male cat person.

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Explanation of Traits:

Openness: High scorers are imaginative, daydreaming, intellectual, artistic, and like adventure and abstractions. Low scorers and practical, realistic, factual, sensible, down-to-earth, and prefer familiarity and routine.

Your friend's score is High.

Conscientiousness: High scorers are organized, reliable, self-controlled, orderly, cautious, and they have a strong sense of duty. Low scorers are disorganized, and procrastinating, act on spur-of-the-moment impulses and find rules constraining.

Your friend's score is Low.

Extroversion: High scorers are outgoing, gregarious, enthusiastic, assertive, action-oriented, and social. Low scorers are introverted, reserved, low-key, quiet, disengaged, deliberate, and have an increased need for time alone.

Your friend's score is Low.

Agreeableness: High scorers are considerate, altruistic, friendly, generous, sympathetic, modest, trusting, and helpful. Low scorers are critical, confident, self-interested, skeptical, stubborn, unfriendly, and uncooperative.

Your friend's score is High.

Neuroticism: High scorers are anxious, fearful, tense, nervous, self-conscious, and susceptible to anger and depression. Low scorers are serene, calm, stable, composed, tranquil, poised, and marked by few negative emotions.

Your friend's score is High.


  • Denissen, J. J., Geenen, R., Van Aken, M. A., Gosling, S. D., & Potter, J. (2008). Development and validation of a Dutch translation of the Big Five Inventory (BFI). Journal of Personality Assessment, 90, 152-157.
  • Gosling, S. D., Sandy, C. J., & Potter, J. (2010). Personalities of self-identified “dog people” and “cat people”. Anthrozoos, 23, 213-222.
  • Perrine, R. M., & Osbourne, H. L. (1998). Personality characteristics of dog and cat persons. Anthrozoos, 11, 33-40.
  • Rammstedt, B., & John, O. P. (2007). Measuring personality in one minute or less: A 10-item short version of the Big Five Inventory in English and German. Journal of Research in Personality, 41, 203-212.