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Ignorant Adult Test

The Ignorant Adult test flips the Need for Cognition Scale, developed at the University of Chicago, on its head, so that instead of measuring a person’s need to ponder abstractions and expand their mind, the test assesses whether you would rather be lighthearted and leave the mind-boggling stuff to others.

Are you an ignorant adult? For each of the following statements, indicate how well it describes you below.

Question 1 of 24

People say I have weird hobbies and interests.



The IDRlabs Ignorant Adult Test is inspired by the Need for Cognition scale (NfC) developed by Cacioppo et al. and published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology. IDRlabs is not affiliated with either author, the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, or any other institution.

An ignorant adult can be described as someone who lacks knowledge, understanding, or awareness about a particular subject or a range of topics. Ignorance is not inherently a negative trait, as everyone starts off with a certain level of ignorance in various aspects of life. However, when ignorance persists despite opportunities for learning and growth, it becomes problematic.

An ignorant adult often displays a refusal or disinterest in seeking knowledge or engaging in critical thinking. They may hold onto outdated beliefs, stereotypes, or misinformation without questioning their validity or considering alternative perspectives. This can lead to a narrow-minded and closed-off worldview that limits their ability to adapt to new information or consider different viewpoints.

One characteristic of an ignorant adult is the tendency to make assumptions without seeking evidence or understanding the full context. They may form judgments or conclusions based on incomplete or biased information, leading to misunderstandings and perpetuating ignorance. This can manifest in various areas of life, including politics, social issues, or even personal relationships.

Ignorant adults may resist change, clinging to familiar ideas and rejecting new concepts or information that challenges their existing beliefs. This intellectual rigidity can hinder personal growth, hinder effective communication, and impede social progress.

It's important to note that being ignorant is not the same as being unintelligent. Ignorance can be remedied through education, exposure to different perspectives, and a willingness to learn. However, an ignorant adult may demonstrate a lack of intellectual curiosity and remain complacent in their ignorance.

Overcoming ignorance requires self-reflection, humility, and an open mind. It involves actively seeking knowledge, being receptive to new ideas, and questioning one's own assumptions and biases. By doing so, an adult can break free from the limitations of ignorance and cultivate a more informed and inclusive perspective on the world.

The test provides feedback such as the following:

Simplicity: Refers to the degree to which individuals are inclined to avoid engaging with intricate, multifaceted, and nuanced aspects of information, stimuli, and ideas. Simplicity can be defined as the absence of the capacity to appreciate the intricacy of multiple variables, systems, or perspectives within a given context. Individuals who exhibit a higher inclination towards simplicity demonstrate a lack of curiosity and drive to explore challenging or unfamiliar patterns, connections, and relationships. They seek to remain “on the surface” when faced with a given problem rather than trying to come up with a comprehensive understanding of a concept or phenomenon.

Distraction: Is the orientation to prioritize a multitude of tasks instead of developing a profound capacity to become fully engrossed and captivated by the challenges and experiences at hand. People high in distraction are thus disinclined to immerse themselves deeply in the mental processes required for intense mental engagement in their tasks. They find it hard to disregard their surroundings, and would rather check up on “the next thing” or “what others are doing,” as opposed to drilling down to become fully absorbed in the challenge at hand. Highly distracted individuals thus report problems with concentration and are beset by immersive daydreaming and/or immediate sensory experiences.

Insularity: Denotes a pattern of remaining self-contained and isolated from external influences. It represents a predisposition towards maintaining a limited and inward-focused perspective, often marked by a resistance to engaging with new ideas, experiences, or perspectives that lie outside one's familiar or established beliefs. Individuals high in insularity demonstrate a preference for maintaining their existing worldview and are less open to challenging or expanding their knowledge and understanding. They may exhibit resistance to change, be less inclined to seek out diverse perspectives, and display limited curiosity about the outside world.

Disinterest: Denotes a state or disposition characterized by a lack of curiosity, engagement, or enthusiasm towards a particular topic, activity, or situation. It refers to a state of disengagement or detachment, where individuals exhibit a lack of interest or investment in the subject at hand. Disinterest can manifest as a dispassionate or indifferent attitude, where individuals do not actively seek out or find value in engaging with the topic. It may involve a sense of apathy, boredom, or a perceived lack of relevance.

The IDRlabs Ignorant Adult Test is inspired by the Need for Cognition scale (NfC) authored by Cacioppo et al. The NfC scale was developed to assess epistemic curiosity and the need for cognition. While the IDRlabs Ignorant Adult Test is based on the NfC scale, it cannot be used to provide clinical assessments or an accurate evaluation of your personality. Clinical assessments should always be done in cooperation with a mental health professional. For more information about any of our online tests and quizzes, please consult our Terms of Service.

Why Use This Test?

1. Free. The Ignorant Adult Test is provided to you free of charge and allows you to obtain your scores related to ignorance and the need for cognition in adults.

2. Scholarly oriented. Feedback derived from this test is based on the research of professionals in the field of ignorance with the intent of delivering a clear picture of the respondent’s characteristics indicating the level of epistemic curiosity as measured according to standardized items in a self-report questionnaire format.

3. Validity and reliability. The NfC scale demonstrates good internal consistency and reliability (Cronbach's alpha coefficient at .87).

4. Statistical controls. Test scores are logged into an anonymized database. Statistical analysis of the test is conducted to ensure maximum accuracy and validity of the test scores.

5. Made by professionals. The present test has been made with the input of people who work professionally in psychology and individual differences research.