Learning Profile Test
The theory of Learning Profiles enjoys considerable popularity among educators, with many teachers using it in the classroom to help young people discover how best to succeed in life.
Inspired by the work of the director at St. John’s University’s Center for Study of Learning and Teaching Styles, Dr. Rita Dunn, the Learning Profile Test expands on the classical framework of Learning Styles (auditory, visual, kinesthetic) by including a fourth style (called auditory digital).
In addition to measuring your propensity for this fourth style, the Learning Profiles Test will also measure your learning orientation, that is, whether you learn best through a holistic or detail-oriented approach.
What is your learning profile? For each of the following questions, indicate your answer below.
Question 1 of 21
When you have had a great experience, vividly remember:
The IDRlabs Learning Profiles Test was developed by IDRlabs. As opposed to the classical framework of Learning Styles, the Learning Profile Test also incudes the fourth style of Auditory Digital, as well as the two Learning Orientations, Holistically Oriented and Detail-Oriented.
Auditory Digital learners are logical thinkers who focus on what gives meaning and structure to the material at hand. They learn best when things are simple, specific, logical, and structured. When they receive information, they place a premium on it being clear and without filler. Furthermore, they tend to be skilled at understanding matters that offer an opportunity for increased structure and logical sense. These learners are frequently skilled at handling data and information and organizing it according to clear and logical structures.
Holistically Oriented learners think mostly in terms of wholes. They learn best when they can see a clear purpose to what they must learn and like to create their own structure on how to go about learning. This means that they are more motivated by structure, planning, and sequence pertaining to the way the work is to be carried out. According to Dr. Rita Dunn and Dr. Kenneth Dunn, they are also strong visually and absorb learning through images and symbols. Holistic learning often prefers to be able to move around while working on a project. Also, they tend to prefer to work in groups and have a need for trusted authorities.
Detail-Oriented learners are at their best when they are allowed to work on one thing at a time. They learn best when there is a clear and logical structure to the subject. They generally do best with clear instructions and a fixed framework for how the work is to be carried out. They, therefore, want to avoid long introductory conversations and prefer short precise explanations instead. Compared to holistic learners, detail-oriented learners have less of a need to know why they need to work on the material at hand. They thrive best with predictability and with fixed routines. These learners generally like to complete one task completely before proceeding with the next and often work alone.
The test is based on the following materials: Wenøe, Henrik. And Dr. Riggio, Joseph (2011) Gør det du er bedst til, Personlig Ledelse med New NLP. Acuity World Press. Schmidt, Svend Erik (2011) Lær med stil, om læringsstile i praksis. Fastholdelseskaravanen. Dunn, Rita (2003) Artikelsamling om læringsstile: Introduktion til læringsstile, Undervisningsstil, Fleksible læringsmiljøer, Konkrete materialer. Dafolo. Peterson, John (2020) Auditiv digital.
As the publishers of this learning profiles test, which allows you to screen yourself for the signs of being a visual, auditory, auditory digital, or kinesthetic learner, and whether you have a detail-oriented or holistic learning orientation, we have strived to make the test as reliable and valid as possible by subjecting this test to statistical controls and validation. However, free online quizzes such as the present learning profile test do not provide professional assessments or recommendations of any kind; the test is provided entirely “as-is.” For more information about any of our online tests and quizzes, please consult our Terms of Service.