Organizational Culture Test
An organization’s culture greatly influences the way people behave within the organization. It also sets the context and tone for much of what the organization does.
Organizational culture can be defined as a set of shared beliefs and values that are established, communicated, and reinforced through company policy, communication, hierarchy, stated goals, and many other parameters. Organizational culture ultimately shapes employee perceptions, behaviors, and understanding.
What is the culture like in your organization? To take the test, indicate where your organization falls on the spectrum between the two statements below.
Question 1 of 56
Indicate where your organization currently falls on the spectrum between the two statements:
Our decisions are typically made with little or no real-time data availablevs.:Our decisions are data-driven and based on big data analytics and predictive insights
The IDRlabs Organizational Culture Test was created by IDRlabs in collaboration with industrial psychology professionals. It measures dimensions such as the following.
Purpose: Measures the degree to which your organization has an authentic purpose, takes an active stance on topics that matter, and can foster meaning among employees and consumers alike.
Strategy: Measures whether your organization incorporates overall trends in its strategy, takes bold moves to create exponential rather than linear impact, and allows for an emergent strategy that adapts as technologies and consumer preferences change.
Products/Services: Gauges whether your products and services take advantage of the digital economy and changing consumer preferences by providing more personalized, flexible, and transparent offerings.
Organizational structure: Assess how fast, fluid, and flexible your organization is and its ability to tap into internal and external skill pools to successfully adapt to changing demands.
Ways of working: Measures how effectively your organization executes strategic priorities, its decision-making processes, and how it leverages technology to collaborate across the organization.
Technology: Covers whether your organization is a technology leader or lags in terms of mindsets, employee capabilities, and usage of technology in strategic and day-to-day processes.
Innovation: Measures whether innovation is an institutional capability that uses various approaches to continuously reinvent the organization.
Learning: Gauges how quickly and effectively your organization learns, whether employees can access relevant knowledge in real-time, and whether the company taps into global knowledge pools.
Talent management: Assess the key people practices in your organization and whether they enable and empower talent to take charge of their own careers, develop skills aligned with strengths and passions, and provide flexibility and support for employees.
Culture: Measures the degree to which your organization has a people-centric culture that supports employees, inspires and motivates them, allows them to bring their full selves to work, and enables them to fulfill their potential.
The IDRlabs Organizational Culture Test is inspired by common conceptions in coaching and management technologies. It was developed as an instrument to help identify adults and the organizational cultures of their organizations. Formal coaching and organizational culture assessments should be done in coordination with certified industrial psychology professionals. For more information about our online tests and quizzes, please consult our Terms of Service.