George W. Bush Quotes
Quotes by and about George W. Bush
(Continued from his main entry on the site.)
Bush: "I don't spend a lot of time trying to figure me out. ... I'm just not into psychobabble."
Bush: "I'm always moving forward. ... I'm a person who's fairly spontaneous, and I don't brood and I don't get stuck."
Bush: "[My wife] Laura is calm. I am energetic. She is restful; I am restless. She is patient; I am impatient. ... Laura is naturally reserved, I am outgoing. ... She is totally at ease, comfortable and natural, just calm. ... I, on the other hand, am in perpetual motion. I provoke people, confront them in a teasing way. I pick at a problem, drawing it to the surface. She is kinder, much more measured, arriving at a conclusion carefully, yet certainly."
Stanley A. Renshon: "It seems clear that, in a psychological sense, he married his father."
Dan P. McAdams: "Bush is a blazing extrovert."
John Ellis [cousin of George W. Bush:] "George W. has that sort of native intelligence, that non-merit scholar intelligence. ... George is somebody who learns by doing."
Steven J. Rubenzer: "[Comparing] Bush to other presidents, he most closely resembles Andrew Jackson."