Simp Test
“Simping” is a term popularized online to describe someone who excessively dotes on a romantic interest without receiving equivalent attention in return. The "simp" often engages in unreciprocated financial, emotional, or social investment, potentially leading to self-degrading behavior. Such actions can paradoxically make the object of affection lose interest. This test aims to help you determine if you are prone to simping tendencies.
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Question 1 of 46
I overlook obvious flaws in partners I want to get with.
Disagree | Agree |
The IDRLabs Simp Test is developed by IDRLabs.
A "simp" is a slang term typically used to describe someone, often a man, who demonstrates excessive admiration, devotion, or submissiveness toward someone they are romantically interested in, often to an unhealthy or self-degrading degree. This behavior is usually characterized by a disproportionate willingness to please, support, or cater to the object of their affection, regardless of whether these actions are reciprocated or appreciated. The term "simp" originated from the word "simpleton," historically meaning someone foolish or gullible. In contemporary usage, it has evolved to highlight a perceived imbalance in romantic or platonic interactions, where the "simp" prioritizes the other person's needs, desires, or validation over their own. Key behaviors include excessive flattery, unreciprocated generosity, emotional dependency, and idealization of the other person, often overlooking any flaws or negative behavior they may exhibit. "Simp" behavior is often criticized for reflecting low self-esteem, a lack of self-respect, and an unhealthy dynamic in relationships. It can manifest in various ways, from spending excessive time and money on the person of interest to defending them irrationally or sacrificing personal well-being to maintain their favor. The term is generally used pejoratively, carrying a connotation of ridicule or disapproval, especially in online communities and social media platforms. In essence, being labeled a "simp" implies a lack of balance in a relationship dynamic, where one person's excessive efforts to gain approval or affection are seen as diminishing their own value and self-worth.
Submissiveness: Denotes a tendency to defer to others' preferences or decisions. It describes a lack of assertiveness and a preference for following rather than leading. This factor represents a willingness to let others take control of situations, often at the expense of one's own desires or opinions.
Excessive Affection: Describes a tendency to display an overwhelming amount of admiration and love. It refers to frequent expressions of affection that may seem over-the-top. This factor reflects a desire to constantly show appreciation and affection, often without reciprocation.
One-sided Generosity: Evaluates the tendency to give without expecting anything in return. It refers to a selfless approach to generosity, where personal satisfaction comes from the act of giving itself. This factor represents a willingness to help others purely out of kindness, regardless of whether the gesture is reciprocated.
Dependency: Measures a strong reliance on another person for emotional or psychological support. It refers to a person's mood or sense of well-being being heavily influenced by someone else. This factor reflects an emotional reliance that can affect one's overall happiness and stability.
Low Self-Esteem: Assesses a negative self-perception and lack of self-worth. It refers to frequent self-doubt and feelings of inadequacy. This factor represents a diminished sense of self-value, often leading to a need for external validation and approval.
Over-Investment: Gauges an excessive allocation of time, energy, or resources into a person or relationship. It refers to prioritizing someone else’s needs or happiness over one's own. This factor reflects a willingness to make significant personal sacrifices, often to an unhealthy extent.
Idealization: Denotes the tendency to view someone in an unrealistically positive light. It refers to overlooking flaws and elevating the person to an idealized status. This factor represents a skewed perception that can lead to unrealistic expectations and potential disappointment.
Self-Sacrifice: Assesses the willingness to forego personal benefits or happiness for someone else's sake. It refers to actions taken that prioritize others’ needs above one's own. This factor reflects a selfless approach to relationships, often leading to significant personal sacrifices.
Emotional Labor: Denotes the effort expended to manage and support others' emotions. It refers to the emotional work involved in helping others feel better, often at personal cost. This factor represents the burden of taking on others' emotional issues and the energy required to maintain this support.
Relationship Inequality: Gauges the awareness of an imbalance in giving and receiving in the relationship. It refers to the feeling that one's efforts are not matched by the other party. This factor reflects a sense of inequity that can lead to feelings of resentment and undervaluation.
Total Simping: Your overall vulnerability to simping behavior. Higher scores indicate a greater proclivity toward simping.
The IDRLabs Simp Test is inspired by psychometric methodology and the pop-cultural phenomenon known as ‘simping’. While the IDRLabs Simp Test is inspired by psychometric methodology and research, it cannot be used to provide clinical assessments or an accurate evaluation of your features. Clinical assessments should always be done in cooperation with a mental health professional. For more information about any of our online tests and quizzes, please consult our Terms of Service.