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Space Marine Chapter Test

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Your friend's Space Marine Chapter is Raven Guard (90%).

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Raven Guard

The Raven Guard is a loyalist Space Marine chapter known for their stealthy tactics and their relentless pursuit of justice. They are descended from the Primarch Corax, who imbued them with his own traits of cunning and perseverance.

The Raven Guard values precision and finesse over brute force, and their warriors are masters of stealth and infiltration. They excel at sabotage and guerrilla warfare, using their speed and agility to strike at their enemies from unexpected directions. They are experts in urban warfare and have a reputation for successfully completing missions that were deemed impossible by other chapters.

Despite their skills in covert operations, the Raven Guard is not afraid to engage in direct combat. They are fierce warriors who will fight to the death to protect the people of the Imperium. They have a strong sense of justice and will not hesitate to take action against those who threaten the innocent.

The Raven Guard also place great importance on the bonds of brotherhood among their warriors, and their brotherhood is considered to be one of the strongest among all Space Marine chapters. They value loyalty, courage, and self-sacrifice, and their actions have inspired other chapters to follow in their footsteps.