Stoic Disposition Test
The ancient philosophy of Stoicism is experiencing a resurgence as a contemporary approach to self-mastery and, for some, as an alternative to traditional religious frameworks. Established by influential philosophers such as Epictetus, Seneca, and Marcus Aurelius, Stoicism teaches the virtues of resilience, self-control, and rationality in navigating life's adversities. Drawing from interpretations of classical Stoic texts, this test is designed to assess whether your attitudes and behaviors align with the principles of modern Stoicism.
For each of the following questions, please reflect on your responses and select the option that best represents your typical mindset and behavior.
Question 1 of 45
I try to see the bigger picture in any given situation.
Disagree | Agree |
The IDRLabs Stoic Disposition Test is developed by IDRLabs. The IDRLabs Stoic Disposition Test is inspired by psychometric methodology and literature pertaining to stoic values and beliefs.
The stoic character denotes a person who embodies rationality, self-discipline, and virtue. This individual consistently makes decisions based on reason rather than emotion, maintaining a calm and composed demeanor even in the face of adversity. Emotional regulation is a hallmark, with the stoic character showing remarkable control over their reactions and impulses. This disposition also refers to a deep commitment to ethical principles and moral integrity. A stoic person strives for honesty, fairness, and justice in all interactions, demonstrating unwavering adherence to their values despite external pressures or temptations. Additionally, the stoic character represents resilience and adaptability. Such individuals accept the natural order of things, focusing on what they can control and letting go of what they cannot. They bounce back swiftly from setbacks, viewing challenges as opportunities for growth. Moreover, this character reflects a strong sense of purpose and contentment. Stoic individuals live in the present, finding joy in simple pleasures and meaningful activities. They maintain harmonious relationships by showing empathy, respect, and gratitude towards others. Ultimately, the stoic character is a paragon of wisdom, serenity, and inner strength, navigating life with a balanced, principled, and purposeful approach.
Rationality/Logic: Denotes your ability to approach situations logically, making decisions based on reason rather than emotion. This character trait describes a methodical problem-solving approach, breaking down complex issues into manageable parts. It represents a preference for logical thinking over impulsive reactions, reflecting a mind governed by clarity and reason. Stoic individuals often serve as reliable advisors, trusted for their sound judgment and analytical skills. Their ability to maintain objectivity under pressure allows them to navigate challenges effectively, ensuring decisions are well-considered and balanced.
Emotional Regulation: Measures your capacity to maintain composure and control over your emotions, even in stressful situations. This trait refers to a consistent ability to manage and modulate emotional responses. It represents a calm and resilient disposition, reflecting strength in maintaining balance in the face of adversity. Stoic individuals rarely succumb to emotional outbursts and instead exhibit a steady, measured response to life's challenges. Their ability to remain level-headed and composed fosters resilience, helping them recover quickly from setbacks and maintain inner peace.
Virtue/Ethics: Assesses a commitment to moral integrity and principled behavior. This character trait refers to a steadfast adherence to ethical standards and honesty in all dealings. It represents a deep sense of fairness and justice, reflecting a person who consistently strives to do what is right, regardless of the consequences. Stoic individuals are known for their trustworthiness and moral clarity, often serving as ethical exemplars in their communities. Their unwavering commitment to virtue ensures that their actions are always aligned with their core values and beliefs.
Self-Control/Discipline: Gauges an ability to resist temptations and maintain focus on long-term goals. This trait refers to a consistent practice of self-regulation and managing impulses effectively. It represents a disciplined approach to life, reflecting a person who prioritizes long-term benefits over short-term gratification. Stoic individuals exhibit remarkable perseverance and dedication, staying committed to their routines and objectives despite challenges. Their strong willpower and discipline enable them to achieve their goals and maintain a balanced, structured lifestyle.
Acceptance/Resilience: Evaluates your capacity to embrace things beyond your control and recover swiftly from setbacks. This trait refers to an adaptive mindset, allowing them to navigate life's uncertainties with grace. It represents a resilient and optimistic disposition, reflecting a person who views challenges as opportunities for growth. Stoic individuals excel at accepting the natural order of life, focusing on what they can influence, and letting go of what they cannot. Their ability to remain hopeful and adaptable fosters robust resilience, enabling them to thrive in various circumstances.
Present-focus: Denotes your ability to remain engaged and mindful in the current moment. This trait refers to a conscious effort to avoid distractions and stay centered on the task at hand. It represents an appreciation for the present, reflecting a person who finds value in everyday experiences rather than constantly seeking future excitement. Stoic individuals avoid dwelling on past regrets or future anxieties, maintaining a balanced and content state of mind. Their present-focused approach allows them to enjoy life fully and make thoughtful decisions.
Perspective/Wisdom: Assesses your ability to see the broader context and make decisions aligned with core values. This trait refers to a thoughtful consideration of long-term consequences and past experiences. It represents a wise and reflective mindset, reflecting a person who seeks to understand the bigger picture in any situation. Stoic individuals value wisdom and often seek advice from respected sources. Their ability to make informed, value-driven decisions ensures their actions are consistently thoughtful and principled.
Contentment/Minimalism: Measures a preference for simplicity and satisfaction with what you have. This trait refers to a minimalist approach to life, avoiding the pursuit of excess material possessions. It represents a sense of joy in simple pleasures, reflecting a person who finds fulfillment in everyday moments rather than grand achievements. Stoic individuals prioritize quality over quantity, maintaining an uncluttered and orderly lifestyle. Their contentment with what they have fosters a sense of peace and reduces unnecessary stress.
Purpose/Meaning: Evaluates a clear direction and alignment with your values. This trait refers to a strong sense of purpose that guides their actions and decisions. It represents the pursuit of meaningful goals, reflecting a person who regularly reflects on their values and ensures their actions are consistent with their beliefs. Stoic individuals often engage in activities that bring fulfillment and contribute to their sense of purpose. Their focus on meaningful pursuits ensures they live a life of intention and direction, leaving a lasting legacy.
Total Stoicism: Your overall degree of Stoicism. Higher scores indicate a greater propensity toward Stoicism.
The IDRLabs Stoic Disposition Test is inspired by psychometric methodology and literature on Stoicism. While the IDRLabs Stoic Disposition Test is inspired by psychometric methodology and research, it cannot be used to provide clinical assessments or an accurate evaluation of your features. Clinical assessments should always be done in cooperation with a mental health professional. For more information about any of our online tests and quizzes, please consult our Terms of Service.