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Cluster B Indicators Test

Are you a Cluster B personality?

Vanity and self-directed motivation often characterize people with Cluster B personality structure traits due to self-esteem dysregulation, excessive external validation dependency, and identity diffusion. This test is designed to capture personal attributes indicating personality traits associated with Cluster B behaviors.

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Question 1 of 27

Most societal or political conflicts (e.g., abortion, trans rights) can be understood as clashes between kind-hearted and evil people.



The IDRLabs Cluster B Indicators Test is inspired by psychometric methodology and research related to behavioral domains often associated with Cluster B personality structure.

The test provides feedback such as the following:

Atypical Accessories refer to an underlying need for attention and admiration, characteristics often associated with cluster b personality disorders. This inclination towards ostentatious items serves as a mechanism to stand out and be noticed, fulfilling a desire for external validation and acknowledgment. It reflects a deeper issue of self-esteem dysregulation, where self-worth is excessively tied to physical appearance and material possessions. Individuals may rely on these conspicuous symbols of status to bolster a fragile ego, masking feelings of emptiness or inadequacy with external displays of success or beauty.

Social Media Self-Promotion reflects a constant showcasing of one's life, achievements, and appearance online, often stemming from a need for external validation and attention. This trait can indicate personality pathology, especially within cluster b, where there is a high dependency on others for self-esteem regulation. The compulsive use of social media as a platform for validation can reveal underlying issues of identity diffusion and narcissistic tendencies, as individuals curate an idealized self-image to project to the world, often disconnecting from their authentic selves in the process.

Tattoos refer to self-expression that may also signal a deeper psychological need for identity exploration and differentiation, particularly in the context of personality pathology. For individuals with cluster b traits, tattoos can serve as a tangible representation of the self or as markers of personal significance in the face of self-concept dysregulation. However, when driven by impulsivity or a need for attention and recognition, this behavior might reflect an underlying struggle with self-esteem, where tattoos become a means to assert individuality and garner external validation.

Piercings denote an expression of individuality that, when excessive, might indicate a tendency towards self-differentiation struggles and identity diffusion, which are traits often seen in cluster b personality structures. Piercings can become a tool for asserting uniqueness and autonomy, yet an overreliance on such physical alterations for identity formation can signal underlying issues with self-esteem and a need for external validation. This behavior suggests a deeper psychological conflict, where body modifications are used to navigate feelings of emptiness and to seek attention in a visibly tangible manner.

Emotionality denotes an outward manifestation of emotional dysregulation, a common feature in cluster b disorders. While expressivity can facilitate communication and connection, an overemphasis on emotionality may also reflect an underlying attempt to control perceptions and elicit specific responses from others. This behavior can signify a reliance on external validation to regulate self-esteem, where exaggerated emotional displays are used strategically to manipulate social interactions and affirm one's identity in the absence of a stable self-concept.

Unusual Appearance may reflect a deeper struggle with identity diffusion and self-esteem dysregulation characteristic of personality pathology, particularly within cluster b disorders. Aesthetic transformation may be an attempt to explore different facets of identity or to escape from oneself, indicating a lack of a cohesive self-image. The reliance on external changes as a means of self-expression and the pursuit of novelty in appearance can also signal a dependency on external validation to feel valued and recognized, highlighting the fluid and often unstable nature of self-perception in individuals with cluster b disorders.

The Cluster B Indicators Test is inspired by psychometric methodology and stereotypical behaviors associated with Cluster B personality structure. While the Cluster B Indicators Test is inspired by scientific methodology, it cannot be used to provide clinical assessments or accurate evaluation of your personality. Clinical assessments should always be done in cooperation with a mental health professional. For more information about any of our online tests and quizzes, please consult our Terms of Service.

Why Use This Test?

1. Free. The Cluster B Indicators Test is provided to you free of charge and allows you to obtain your scores related to stereotypical behaviors associated with Cluster B personality structure.

2. Statistical controls. Test scores are logged into an anonymized database. Statistical analysis of the test is conducted to ensure maximum accuracy and validity of the test scores.

3. Made by professionals. The present test has been made with the input of people who work professionally in psychology and individual differences research.