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Communal Narcissism Test

Based on the Communal Narcissism Inventory developed at Heidelberg University, this test measured your degree of communal narcissism.

Communal narcissism is characterized by an inflated sense of one's own altruism, empathy, and community-mindedness. Communal narcissists view themselves as exceptionally caring, helpful, and socially engaged. They believe they are superior in their ability to contribute positively to collective social settings. However, their altruistic behaviors are often driven by a desire for narcissistic recognition and admiration. In other words, their helpful acts are a means to an end, namely the enhancement of their own self-image and the admiration they receive from others.

Want to know your level of communal narcissism? For each of the following statements, indicate how well it resonates with you below.

Question 1 of 20

I am the most caring person I know.



The IDRLabs Communal Narcissism Test is inspired by research in the Communal Narcissism Inventory (CNI) by Gebauer et al. at Heidelberg University in Germany. IDRLabs is not affiliated with either authors or any institutions.

The test provides feedback such as the following:

Low or Very Low Communal Narcissism: Scores in this range suggest a low level of communal narcissism. Individuals with such scores likely do not view themselves as exceptionally altruistic or empathetic in communal contexts. They may have a more realistic, and possibly humble, self-perception regarding their role and impact in community and social settings. These individuals might not seek excessive admiration or validation for their communal contributions and may engage in altruistic acts without the expectation of recognition. Their approach to helping others and participating in communal activities is likely driven more by genuine concern and less by a desire for personal glorification. It's important to note that while low scores indicate minimal traits of communal narcissism, they do not necessarily reflect a lack of empathy or altruism. Instead, these individuals may simply not possess the grandiose self-view characteristic of communal narcissists and may engage in helping behaviors for reasons other than self-promotion.

Moderate Communal Narcissism: Individuals scoring in this bracket exhibit moderate levels of communal narcissism. They may sometimes view themselves as especially altruistic and helpful, but not to an extreme or unrealistic degree. Such individuals might occasionally seek recognition for their communal activities and may feel good about themselves when they are seen as empathetic or helpful. However, their self-perception in this regard is not overly inflated. They likely balance their need for recognition with genuine concern for others, showing a mix of self-serving and altruistic motives in communal settings. While they may enjoy being in the spotlight for their good deeds, it is not their sole driving force. Their participation in community activities and altruistic behavior could be influenced partly by a desire for positive self-image and social approval, but also by genuine empathy and community spirit. This moderate level indicates a nuanced blend of self-perception, where communal contributions are important but not the only aspect of their identity.

High Communal Narcissism: Scores within this range indicate a high level of communal narcissism. Individuals with such scores often have a significantly inflated sense of their own altruism and communal importance. They tend to view themselves as highly empathetic, caring, and indispensable in social and community settings. Their self-perception is likely skewed towards seeing themselves as superior in terms of altruistic behavior. They often seek and expect recognition and admiration for their communal activities. Their helping behaviors may be driven largely by the desire for acknowledgment and status within the community rather than by pure altruistic intentions. While they may indeed contribute to helpful activities, the motivation behind these actions is often self-serving. Such individuals might be extremely sensitive to how they are perceived in communal contexts and may overestimate the impact and uniqueness of their contributions.

Very High Communal Narcissism: Individuals scoring in the highest bracket exhibit extremely high levels of communal narcissism. This suggests an excessively inflated view of their own communally benevolent attributes, with such people typically thinking of themselves as extraordinarily empathetic, helpful, and indispensable to others. Their perception of their own self-importance in communal settings is highly exaggerated. They may constantly seek validation and admiration for their altruistic actions and might feel entitled to special recognition and praise. Their involvement in community and social activities is likely driven predominantly by the desire to maintain and enhance their self-image as superior helpers or caregivers. This extreme level of communal narcissism often results in a significant disconnect between their self-perception and their actual behavior or impact. Relationships and communal engagements might be heavily influenced by their need for admiration, potentially leading to manipulative or insincere interactions. Their overwhelming focus on receiving acclaim for their 'selfless' acts can overshadow genuine altruistic motives and might lead to conflicts or strife in social relationships.

The Communal Narcissism Test is inspired by the Communal Narcissism Inventory (CNI) authored by Gebauer et al. at Heidelberg University in Germany. While the Communal Narcissism Test is inspired by the Communal Narcissism Inventory, it cannot be used to provide clinical assessments or an accurate evaluation of your personality. Clinical assessments should always be done in cooperation with a mental health professional. For more information about any of our online tests and quizzes, please consult our Terms of Service.

Why Use This Test?

1. Free. The Communal Narcissism Test is provided to you free of charge and allows you to obtain your scores related to communal trait narcissism.

2. Scholarly oriented. Feedback derived from this test is based on the research of professionals in the field of communal narcissism with the intent of delivering a clear picture of the respondent’s characteristics indicating communal narcissism as measured according to standardized items in a self-report questionnaire format.

3. Statistical controls. Test scores are logged into an anonymized database. Statistical analysis of the test is conducted to ensure maximum accuracy and validity of the test scores.

4. Made by professionals. The present test has been made with the input of people who work professionally in psychology and individual differences research.