Gender Role Test
You are here because one of your friends linked you to his or her Gender Role result:
Take the TestYour friend's scores:

Masculine: High
Feminine: Very Low
This makes your friend Typically Masculine.
Take the TestReferences
This test was constructed on the basis of the following studies:
- Donnelly & Twenge: Masculine and Feminine Traits on the Bem Sex-Role Inventory, 1993–2012: a Cross-Temporal Meta-Analysis (Sex Roles 0360-0025 2016)
- Holt & Ellis: Assessing the Current Validity of the Bem Sex-Role Inventory (Sex Roles Volume 39, Issue 11-12 1998)
- Lee & Kashubeck-West: Factor Structure of the Bem Sex Role Inventory in Samples of Ethnically Diverse Young Adults in the U.S. (Journal of Asia Pacific Counseling 2015)
- Robinson, Shaver & Wrightsman (eds.): Measures of Personality and Social Psychological Attitudes: Measures of Social Psychological Attitudes (Academic Press 2013)