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HEXACO Personality Test

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Result chart
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Explanation of Facets:


High scorers are usually described as genuine, fair, non-manipulative, law-abiding, modest, self-effacing, and unconcerned with status or luxury. Low scorers are willing to bend the rules for their personal gain, are prone to flattery and insincere displays of friendliness, seek luxury and prestige, and feel entitled to special status and privilege. Your score is 22 out of 100.


High scorers are afraid of physical illness or harm, worrisome, prone to sharing their fears and concerns with others, and likely to empathize with the suffering and hardships of others. Low scorers are undeterred by the threat of danger or pain, have little anxiety, and are good at keeping their heads cool in stressful situations. Your score is 81 out of 100.


High scorers are outgoing, lively, social, talkative, and cheerful, enjoy social interactions and are likely to see positive qualities in themselves. Low scorers are reserved, quiet, passive, inhibited, tend to avoid small talk and liable to think of themselves as less popular than their extroverted counterparts. Your score is 3 out of 100.


High scorers are tolerant, mild, kind, forgiving, gentle, accommodating, flexible in their opinions and lenient in judging others. Low scorers are stubborn, quarrelsome, headstrong, blunt, defend their views and opinions fiercely, and take a critical view of others. Your score is 13 out of 100.


High scorers are well-organized, hard-working, self-disciplined, efficient, thorough, and precise, as well as orderly with their things and time. Low scorers are absent-minded, messy, find it hard to motivate themselves to do their work and duties, don’t mind incompleteness or inaccuracies, and are disorganized with their surroundings and schedules. Your score is 25 out of 100.


High scorers are unconventional, creative, intellectual, inquisitive, have a lively imagination, and like to listen to new and unusual opinions. Low scorers are conventional, traditional, dislike foreign and unfamiliar things, indifferent to intellectual pursuits, and dislike listening to unconventional or bizarre ideas. Your score is 53 out of 100.

HEXACO Dark Side

According to Michael C. Ashton, Ph.D. and Kibeom Lee, Ph.D., your HEXACO dark side entails... (WARNING: Negative personality description. Expand at your own risk.)

You have an inclination to exploit others, but you prefer to keep this tendency on the down low, and only take action against others in subtle and sneaky ways that avoid direct confrontation and risk to yourself. You probably look down on people who would risk a physical fight to achieve their goals, relying instead on social schemes, slandering your enemies behind their backs, or bringing your plans to bear on them covertly so that they may never know (or be able to prove) that you were the culprit. Rather than try to be a hero and stand up for the things you believe in, you are much more likely to hang back and plot your actions in secret. You may even feign weakness or inanity in order to throw others off the scent.

Partner Preference

Researchers have determined that in seeking a mate, people generally either prefer partners who are similar to themselves or partners who are more desirable than themselves. Based on your HEXACO scores, you prefer a partner that is more desirable than you.

Sexuality Variables

Researchers Bourdage, Lee, Ashton, and Perry have determined that people’s HEXACO scores are linked to their Sociosexual Orientation. Your HEXACO scores indicate that you are:

  • Less likely to be deemed immediately sexually attractive than average.
  • Less emotionally invested in your romantic partner(s) than average.
  • More likely to talk openly about sex and make sexual jokes than average.
  • More likely to cheat on your partner than average.
  • More likely to be involved with multiple sexual partners at a time than average.


  • Ashton & Lee: The H Factor of Personality Wilfrid Laurier University Press (2012)
  • Bourdage, Lee, Ashton & Perry: Big Five and HEXACO Model Personality Correlates of Sexuality Personality and Individual Differences, 43 (2007)
  • Liu, Ludeke, & Zettler: Assumed Similarity in Personality within Intimate Relationships Wiley Personal Relationships 2017
  • Liu, Ludeke, Haubrich, Gondan-Rochon & Zettler: Similar to and/or Better than Oneself? Singles’ Ideal Partner Personality Descriptions European Journal of Personality, 32 (2018)