Condoleezza Rice Quotes
Quotes by and about Condoleezza Rice
(Continued from her main entry on the site.)
Rice: "If you have any doubt about the degree with which [the war in Afghanistan] is self-defense, just look at those pictures from September 11."
Rice: "[The U.S.] is a place where you can [make it] if you're ... tough ... and work hard."
[Asked about her love of Brahms:]
Rice: "I wouldn't exactly say that [my taste in music] is relaxing."

[College classmate:] "She blew a lot of guys' minds, because when she started talking football, she knew formations, strategies. [After the games] she'd give her two cents. 'That was a dumb-ass call! What was the coach thinking about?'"
[High school teacher:] "She was always ... ahead of herself. ... She could understand consequences in a different way than other kids her age."