Jeb Bush Quotes
Quotes by and about Jeb Bush
(Continued from his main entry on the site.)
Bush: "It's fine to be principled ... but you also have to have an alternative."
Bush: "I am [someone who] dislikes phony formalities."
Bush: "[My weakness in campaigning is that I don't] share enough with people of who I [am]. It [is] all about ideas, and not enough about who is actually going to lead."
Bush: "[As opposed to Ronald Reagan] I have a tendency in politics to migrate to detailed policy [whereas] he lifted people's spirits."
Bush: "I think President Clinton has had a good post-presidency. He's done good things and he's got the great political skills to maybe enhance them even more than the reality of them. But he's stayed involved in a good way."
Bush: "My dad is the greatest man I ever met or ever will ever meet in the broadest sense of the word, in terms of honor, virtue. There is no one like him. It's hard to be the son of someone who's near-perfect."
According to Politico Magazine, Jeb Bush's results on an unspecified personality test score him as an introvert.
Politico Magazine: "[As] governor he pushed the boundaries of executive power. ... [He] pulled decision-making authority for his agencies inward to a small circle of staff in the governor's office."
Ana Navarro: "Jeb has a ... serious demeanor. ... He's not the type of guy that reaches out to shoot the breeze or just check in. When he contacts you, it's with a purpose."
Lucy Morgan: "You can't have a discussion with him that is not a policy discussion. He's serious as a heart attack."
Lucy Morgan: "He does not like navel-gazing, as he calls it."
Philip K. Howard: "In all of my dealings with him, he's interested in how you make government deliver effectively. What are the incentives? How do you hold people accountable?"
New York Times: "[He] peppers his speeches with statistics, academic-sounding references to 'quintiles' and self-deprecating jokes about his own geekiness. ... He boasted to a crowd of Republican donors that he was 'nerdy enough' to read City Journal, an obscure policy magazine published by the Manhattan Institute, a conservative think tank, then recited the names of his favorite writers at the publication."
GQ Magazine: "He is an inexhaustible flurry of energy, traveling constantly, often overseas, and packing more meetings into his schedule each day than most men hold in a month, sometimes six or ten high-stakes sessions before lunch, then working late into the evening with his staff and later still at home, bent over his computer to produce a torrent of e-mails, even while absorbing stacks of reports and data, deep into the night, every night."
Washington Post: "[Jeb] is a wonk almost in a class by himself. ... He reads, thinks about the big issues and ... tries to apply them. ... Paul Ryan is similar in that regard."
Jeb Bush and George W. Bush
[Family friend:] "You come away amazed that these two guys could be so different and be brothers. I love them both. But they're just very different people."
New York Times: "The 43rd president and the potential 45th president are a curious study in fraternal contrasts - in temperament, in style, in the paths they have chosen in life, in the ways they think and communicate and lead."
New York Times: "George, 68, likes to work a room. He teases and needles aides, lawmakers or reporters until he gets a rise. He talks about issues in broad strokes, believes in delegating and sometimes mangles his English. Several inches taller, Jeb, 61, reads footnotes, emails frenetically and talks in full, wonky paragraphs. But in political settings, he sometimes seems to eye the exit, calculating how to get from here to there with the least fuss."
Ari Fleischer: "[G.W.] Bush is ... instantly gregarious. ... When he walks into a room, he just takes it over, by style and by charm. ... Jeb is very much a policy wonk and comes across that way."
Clint Bolick: "Public service seems to be a calling for George Senior and George Junior, whereas for Jeb it is ... about policy and ideas. I never really got the impression that either his dad or his brother were really motivated by ideas and policies. For Jeb, politics is a means to an end rather than an end in itself."
New York Times: "[George W. Bush] embarked on his own campaign in 1994 against the popular governor of Texas, a move that surprised his family even as Jeb was already gearing up to run for governor of Florida. While neither admitted it, many detected a quiet competitiveness. Few expected George to win, but he pulled off the upset while Jeb went down to a surprise defeat. The split result provoked a moment of sibling friction as George expressed frustration that his parents were focused more on Florida. 'Why do you feel bad about Jeb?' he asked his father in an exchange later described by his aunt, Nancy Ellis. 'Why don't you feel good about me?'"