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Feminine Revolt Test

In the 1920s, renowned medical doctor and psychotherapist Alfred Adler proposed that some women revolt against classic feminine roles on account of societal injustices. Such injustices include the portrayal of women as inferior or society showing favoritism to men. Adler’s theory might thus be seen as the forerunner of a non-binary or woke understanding of gender identity.

What would Adler’s theory say about your stance toward femininity? To take the test, enter your input below.

Question 1 of 16

I often feel frustrated by the limitations placed on women in society.



The IDRLabs Feminine Revolt Test is inspired by lifestyle theory developed by renowned psychoanalyst Alfred Adler.

Alfred Adler, a pioneer in the field of psychology, was particularly interested in understanding the ways women who do not align with societal pressures and expectations concerning classically feminine gender roles adapt to strike out on their own path.

Alfred Adler, an influential psychologist, saw the "feminine revolt" as a pushback against traditional gender roles that limited women's potential. He believed these limitations stemmed from a feeling of inferiority women experienced compared to men in society.

This feeling of inferiority, according to Adler, could lead women to adopt a discouraged lifestyle, accepting their perceived limitations and failing to strive for their full potential. The "feminine revolt" represented a rejection of this discouragement.

Here are some key aspects of Adler's concept:

  • Equality of Opportunity: Women, just like men, should have the chance to pursue their ambitions in any field, regardless of societal expectations.
  • Independence and Autonomy: The ability to make one's own choices and be financially independent was crucial for women's self-esteem and sense of worth.
  • Challenging Gender Stereotypes: Activities, careers, and emotional expressions shouldn't be rigidly divided by gender. Women could be strong and assertive while still embracing nurturing qualities.
  • Role Models and Support Systems: Adler recognized the importance of female role models who defied limitations and paved the way for others. Building supportive networks with like-minded women could further empower individual action.

However, it's important to note that Adler emphasized cooperation as a core principle. The "feminine revolt" wasn't about women becoming more masculine, but about achieving equality and living authentically, integrating traditionally feminine and masculine traits into a healthy self-concept.

Internal vs. External Conflict: Adler saw the "feminine revolt" as both an internal and external struggle. Internally, women grappled with feelings of inferiority instilled by societal expectations. Externally, they challenged the very structures that perpetuated these limitations. This could lead to conflict with family, friends, or a society resistant to change.

Beyond Gender Binary: While Adler focused on women's struggles, his concept can be applied more broadly. Anyone feeling limited by societal expectations based on gender, race, or other factors could be seen as engaging in a personal "revolt" to achieve equality and self-actualization.

Criticisms and Considerations: Some feminist scholars critique Adler for not fully acknowledging the systemic power imbalances hindering true equality. His emphasis on individual psychology might overlook the social and economic forces that maintain the status quo. Additionally, the concept might not fully capture the diverse experiences of women across cultures and socioeconomic backgrounds.

Despite these limitations, Adler's "feminine revolt" remains a valuable lens for understanding the ongoing pursuit of gender equality. It highlights the importance of challenging limitations, striving for independence, and forging one's own path while acknowledging the complexities involved in social change.

The IDRLabs Feminine Revolt Test is inspired by the insights of psychoanalyst Alfred Adler. While the IDRLabs Adlerian Lifestyle Test is based on psychological theories, it cannot be used to provide clinical assessments or an accurate evaluation of your personality. Clinical assessments should always be done in cooperation with a mental health professional. For more information about any of our online tests and quizzes, please consult our Terms of Service.

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2. Statistical controls. Test scores are logged into an anonymized database. Statistical analysis of the test is conducted to ensure maximum accuracy and validity of the test scores.

3. Made by professionals. The present test has been made with the input of people who work professionally with psychology and individual differences research.