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Husband Rating Scale Test

In 1929, medical doctor and Ph.D. George W. Crane made the Marital Rating Scale to measure whether a man would be a good husband. Today, many of Crane’s ideas may be seen as outdated, but the test can still be used to get a glimpse of what marital norms were like or whether someone would have been seen as a good husband in 1929.

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Who do you want to rate as a husband?


The IDRLabs Marital Rating Scale, Husband Edition, is based on the work of George W. Crane.

Dr. Crane was a psychologist who aimed to quantify and assess the quality of marriages. The scale included various criteria for evaluating marital satisfaction, and it was particularly known for its somewhat controversial "Husband Rating" and "Wife Rating."

The Husband Rating portion of the scale attempted to measure several aspects of a husband's behavior and characteristics that were believed to contribute to a successful marriage. These criteria often included considerations such as emotional support, financial stability, communication skills, and the ability to handle conflicts within the marriage.

One key aspect of the Husband Rating was the emphasis on the husband's role as a provider and protector. In the societal context of the time, traditional gender roles played a significant role in shaping expectations within marriages. As a result, the husband's ability to fulfill his role as a breadwinner and protector was considered crucial for marital satisfaction.

Financial stability was often given substantial weight in the Husband Rating. A husband's capacity to provide for his family's material needs and create a secure living environment was deemed essential. Additionally, communication skills were considered vital, as effective interaction was seen as foundational to resolving conflicts and maintaining a healthy emotional connection between spouses.

The Marital Rating Scale reflected the social norms and attitudes prevalent in the early to mid-20th century. Gender roles were more rigidly defined during this period, and societal expectations influenced the criteria used to assess marital success. It's important to note that these perspectives have evolved over time, and contemporary approaches to marital satisfaction take into account a broader range of factors, including equality in roles, communication styles, and individual fulfillment.

In conclusion, the Marital Rating Scale from 1929, particularly the Husband Rating component, reflected the societal expectations and norms of that era. It emphasized traditional gender roles, with a focus on the husband's ability to provide financial stability, emotional support, and effective communication within the marriage. While this historical perspective provides insights into the values of the time, contemporary approaches to marital satisfaction consider a more diverse set of factors that reflect the changing dynamics of relationships and societal expectations.

The Marital Rating Scale by Dr. George W. Crane was a product of its time, deeply rooted in the social and cultural norms prevalent in the early 20th century. The Husband Rating, as part of this scale, was reflective of traditional gender roles that shaped expectations within marriages. It underscored the societal belief that a successful husband should not only be the primary breadwinner but also a stalwart figure capable of ensuring the financial security and overall well-being of the family.

Beyond financial stability, the Husband Rating delved into the emotional aspects of the marital relationship. The husband's role as a provider extended beyond material needs to include emotional support and a stable, nurturing environment for the family. Effective communication was considered crucial, emphasizing the husband's ability to express himself and listen to his spouse. The expectation was that a successful marriage required a husband who could navigate conflicts diplomatically and foster open, constructive dialogue within the relationship.

However, it's important to acknowledge the limitations and biases inherent in such historical assessments. The Marital Rating Scale, and particularly the Husband Rating, reflected a heteronormative and patriarchal perspective that has since been challenged and transformed. Modern understandings of marriage emphasize equality, shared responsibilities, and mutual fulfillment. Contemporary couples often prioritize emotional intimacy, shared decision-making, and a more egalitarian distribution of roles, moving away from rigidly defined gender expectations.

In the present day, discussions around marital satisfaction encompass a broader spectrum of factors, recognizing the unique dynamics and aspirations of each partner. Couples are encouraged to communicate openly about their needs and expectations, fostering an environment where both spouses can contribute to the relationship's growth and well-being. While historical assessments like the Marital Rating Scale offer insights into past societal norms, the evolution of these norms highlights the dynamic nature of relationships and the ongoing quest for more inclusive and equitable partnerships.

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1. Free. The Marital Rating Scale Test is provided to you free of charge and allows you to obtain your scores related to the expectations of a good husband in 1929.

2. Statistical controls. Test scores are logged into an anonymized database. Statistical analysis of the test is conducted to ensure maximum accuracy and validity of the test scores.

3. Made by professionals. The present test has been made with the input of people who work professionally in psychology and individual differences research.