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Philosopher Personality Test

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Your friend's traits are closest to those of Hume.

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Hume: Hume was skeptical of most beliefs – be they religious or derived from pure rationality without experimental data to back them up. Consequently, friction with the settled orthodoxies of his time was a constant theme in his life. Like the other empiricists that preceded him, Hume believed that the contents of the mind came only from experience. Hume is known for the is-ought divide, also called Hume’s Fork: The proposition that it is not possible to derive an “is” from an “ought” (e.g., we cannot go from the moral proposition that everyone ought to be equally smart to the factual proposition that everyone is equally smart). Hume also proposed tremendous challenges to concepts like causation and induction – challenges that some consider have never been solved to this day.


  • Durant, W. (1926). The story of philosophy: The lives and opinions of the great philosophers. Simon and Schuster.
  • Hergenhahn, B.R. (2009). An introduction to the history of Psychology. Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
  • Norton, D. (2011). David Hume: A treatise of human nature. Oxford University Press.