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Dark Core Personality Test

What is your dark core score?

Researchers Mashagen, Ph.D., Hilbig, Ph.D., and Zettler, Ph.D., have discovered that there is a common core to dark traits, which they call the Dark Core of Personality. The dark core is a general dispositional tendency, out of which dark traits arise as specific manifestations. That is to say, all commonalities between various dark traits can be traced back to this core.

Do you have a dark core? For each of the following items, indicate your level of agreement below.

Question 1 of 45

Most people don’t really care about others.



The IDRlabs Dark Core Personality Test (IDR-DCPT©) is the property of IDRlabs International. The IDR-DCPT utilizes the research of Mashagen, Hilbig, and Zettler, but is not associated with these researchers or their institutions and is not the equivalent of any instruments authored by these researchers.

This test has been made with the aid of professional analysts who have experience with personality testing, organizational psychology, and psychopathology. Even so, please keep in mind that tests such as these are merely indicators – a first peek at the system to get you started.

Dark Core Personality Tests, whether they are professional, used in academic research, or free online tests like this one, are indicators to help give you a clue as to your Dark Core traits. As far as the present authors are concerned, no test ever devised can designate your Dark Core with complete accuracy or reliability, and no Dark Core Test can replace familiarizing yourself with the theory of the Dark Factor in depth.

The authors of this free online Dark Core Personality Test are certified in the use of numerous different personality tests and have worked professionally with psychology, psychopathology, political psychology, and personality testing. Prior to using our free online test, please note that the results are provided "as-is", for free, and should not be construed as providing professional or certified advice of any kind. For more on our online Dark Core Personality Test, please consult our Terms of Service.

Why Use This Test?

1. Free. This online Dark Core Personality Test is delivered to you free of charge and will allow you to obtain your scores on the Dark Core of Personality as discovered by Mashagen, Ph.D., Hilbig, Ph.D., and Zettler, Ph.D.

2. Validity and reliability. Empirical testing has shown the validity of Dark Core Factor. The evidence has been published in the scientific journal Psychological Review and the model has been shown to exhibit good scientific validity.

3. Statistical controls. Test scores are logged into an anonymized database. Statistical analysis of the test is conducted to ensure maximum accuracy and validity of the test scores.

4. Made by professionals. The authors of this free online dark core test are certified in the use of numerous personality tests and have worked professionally with personality typology, as well as corporate and personality testing.