Fascism Test
Testing your degree of fascism
As the American legal scholar David S. D'Amato has pointed out, much of the meaning contained in the word 'fascism' has been lost in its constant and lazy employment as a general term of abuse. Though 'fascism' and 'fascist' have long been pejorative catchwords, employed by both right and left in their denouncement of anything they do not like, fascism is in fact no catch-all, but a definite political ideology, situated at a complex cross-roads between Socialism, Conservatism, and Liberalism. By adopting elements from each of these political philosophies as its own, while simultaneously denouncing others, fascism manages to strike out as a 'fourth way' of doing politics and a definite system of government.
Does your political outlook share any of fascism's doctrines? Let's find out.
Question 1 of 28
The political challenges of today are so serious that they can no longer be solved within the traditional paradigms of political thought.
Disagree | Agree |
The "How Fascist Are You?" Test is the property of IDR Labs International.
The statements found in the above questions were extrapolated from the work of both actual fascists (e.g. Benito Mussolini and Giovanni Gentile) and modern-day researchers and writers on fascism, such as Stanley Payne [A History of Fascism 1914-1945; Fascism, Comparison and Definition], Robert Paxton [The Anatomy of Fascism; Vichy France], and others.
Defining the term 'fascism' was indeed a source of perplexity even for the first Italian fascists. The issue is furthermore exacerbated by how almost every communist political party and administration has chosen to call itself communist, while in fact, as a matter of historical similarity, such regimes share significant features with the state-centric approach of fascism (see Payne: A History of Fascism). Truth be told, the first Italian fascists intensified all, or almost all, of the preexisting communist practices. Though fascists have traditionally been viewed as right-wing, the political developments of interwar Europe really showcase a different affinity, namely the affinity between fascism and communism, rather than the affinity of either with the traditional left or right wing of liberal democracies.
The "How Fascist Are You?"© Test is the property of IDR Labs International. The authors of this online fascism test are certified in the use of multiple personality tests and have worked professionally with typology and personality testing. The results of our online fascism test are provided "as-is", and should not be construed as providing professional or certified advice of any kind. For more on our online fascism test, please consult our Terms of Service.